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injured volkl p60 sc

Verfasst: 24.12.2005 13:51
von anos
i'm lookig for a couple of skis volkl p60 slalom carver 170 cm long ( the older one - yellow-grey).I'm searching skis which one of them is damaged and one is in good condition. I had lastly damaged the edge of mine skis & now i want to buy such a couple or one "healthy" ski. If you have this kind of ski pleas answer. my email

Verfasst: 03.01.2006 14:08
von Hosky
Good idea,
I´ve got the same problem with my yellow-grey P60 SC Racing in 165 cm - what a pity that our skis don´t fit :cry:
Cheers, Hosky

Verfasst: 03.01.2006 15:47
von Powderalert
Now both of you have monocarver :D !!!
I've a P60 RC 178cm 03/04 which is identical to the P50 of the 02/03 winter,any interests?

P.S. It is also identical to the P50 of 01/02,if there is the MotionRail on the Ski!